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A cure for the dreaded peanut allergy?

A cure for the dreaded peanut allergy?

The warnings are abundant, especially in schools today: "Food brought in may not contain peanuts." The allergic reaction to the nut is particularly severe, prompting such safety precautions. However, new tests being done may just yield a cure to the allergy.

Progress Towards AIDS Vaccine

Progress Towards AIDS Vaccine

Rutgers AIDS researchers Gail Ferstandig Arnold and Eddy Arnold may have turned a corner in their search for a HIV vaccine. In a paper just published in the Journal of Virology, the husband and wife duo and their colleagues report on their research progress. With the support of the National Institutes of Health, the Arnolds and their team have been able to take a piece of HIV that is involved with helping the virus enter cells, put it on the surface of a common cold virus, and then immunize animals with it. They found that the animals made antibodies that can stop an unusually diverse set of HIV isolates or varieties.

Extreme Interior Design

Extreme Interior Design

You can design your home, outfit a new car with customized features, put a new spin on an old recipe for dinner, pick out what you wear, choose what colors with which to color, design a cell phone plan tailored for you, and even build a computer with the exact specs you're looking for. So why not be able to design your baby? Sound crazy? Well, the owner of a fertility clinic in Los Angeles vows in 6 months picky parents will have the ability to choose their newborn's features - everything from hair and eye color to skin tone.

Best & Worst Advice From Top Diet Plans

Best & Worst Advice From Top Diet Plans

A trip to your local bookstore or even a Google search for "diet plans" will yield results beyond your wildest imagination. The sheer amount of books, advice, and information on how to diet, when to diet, where to diet, why to diet, etc. can be overwhelming. Deciphering all of the information that can, at times, seem to contradict itself is difficult. So let's take a quick look at some of the basic advice from a few top diet plans to try and clear this up. Check out the best and worst advice from

Are Longer Recesses In Store for Elementary Schools?

Are Longer Recesses In Store for Elementary Schools?

...If Denver's Democratic Sen. Chris Romer has anything to say about it, yes. Romer seeks to pass legislation aimed at combating childhood obesity by adding gym, recess and physical activity back into the school day.

Kicking Cancer to the Curb

Kicking Cancer to the Curb

2008 statistics show 1,437,180 new cases of Cancer among both men and women as well as 565,650 reported deaths. And although there is no cure for Cancer, and in recent studies smoking marijuana has been linked to testicular cancer, there are ways to avoid it.

Advancements in Modern Health

Advancements in Modern Health

It's hard to stay healthy this day and age. With our increasingly sedentary lifestyle and the common fatigue after a hard day's work, strapping on the workout clothes and heading to the gym seems somewhat a foreboding mission. Leave it to the folks at Nintendo (yes, the video game company) to remedy the situation with their video game-based workout system, the Wii Fit. The buzz surrounding the Wii Fit was palpable this past holiday season, when consumers found it next to impossible to get ahold of one. Now that a little time has passed, they are readily available online and in electronic stores. So let's see what this "exer-gaming" is all about.

Social Networking Do's and Don'ts

Social Networking Do's and Don'ts

It's no lie that the Internet has become the primary form of communication what with email, the endless number of websites full of information, and the vast world of Social Networking. Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn being some primary sites where people are now connecting for a plethora of reasons - meeting new friends, finding a special someone, reconnecting with old acquaintences, or finding employment. However, it is not only those looking for work that scan these social networks. Employers are now looking to them when considering new applicants. Keeping this in mind, if you belong to any/all the social networks, know that employers are looking for you. Here are a few Do's and Don'ts when it comes to your personal social network profile:

Meat - In Vitro

Meat - In Vitro

What do you think of when you hear the term "in vitro"? The first thing would probably be in vitro fertilization and test tube babies. What if we told you scientists at a nonprofit research consortium called New Harvest are using this "in vitro" method to develop new meat substitutes. Their hope is that these new discoveries and advancements would reduce the need for farm animals, slow the spread of avian influenza, and reduce the meat industries already-enormous environmental footprint.

Junk Food That's Not

Junk Food That's Not

Sick of being shamed for eating what some call "Junk Food"? Yeah, it gets tiresome what with all the taboo about preservatives, trans fat, artificial sweetners, colors, flavors, etc. This list goes on... Well, next time you find yourself enjoying some pork rinds and someone starts hassling you to eat a carrot instead, you have cause to retort and defend yourself.

Denver Named Among Coolest Cities

Denver Named Among Coolest Cities released, yesterday, its list of the 15 Coolest Cities in North America. On that list? Denver, CO! First we're deemed 4th healthiest in the nation by Men's Fitness and now this? It's a good time to be a Mile High resident.

Habitual Changes

Habitual Changes

We've discussed dietary changes and workout routines to help jumpstart the ever-popular "This is the year I get in shape" New Year's resolution. While making those adjustments in your life are beyond important, even the slightest changes can be of ultimate benefit to you!

UPDATE: Clif Bar Peanut Butter Recall

UPDATE: Clif Bar Peanut Butter Recall

Because of a possible salmonella outbreak, Clif Bar, purveyor of energy and supplement bars has issued a voluntary recall on many of its products. From the Clif site:

WSi Nurses Awarded

WSi Nurses Awarded

Here at WSi Healthcare Personnel, we pride ourselves in the high quality candidates we deliver to healthcare facilities in the Rocky Mountain Region and surrounding areas. It is through a rigorous and thorough screening process we are able to select the most qualified people and match them with the institution that will best highlight their abilities. So when we hear that nurses we've helped find employment are awarded, we are thrilled!

The Color Test

The Color Test

A brain waker-upper for today! These are the things we're supposed to do to remove the cholesterol around our brain & try to slow up Alzheimer. Here's a great little test. You may not get 100% on the first go, but keep trying until you do. It'll wak you up and get your keen thinking and decisivness in least for the day. Hint: It takes an average of 5 tries to get to 100%. Follow the directions. It's harder than it seems, as it should be!

Music Therapy

Music Therapy

The medical world is vast and ever-growing, each day adding new certifications and specializations to its already expansive portfolio. Wherever one's interests lie, there is most definitely a way to parlay them into the field of medicine in some aspect. Take, for example, Music Therapy.