You’ve heard the cliché: A team is only as strong as its weakest link. This is really the truth. One person on your team that is negative or slacks during important tasks can bring the others down. In order to achieve great success, you need everyone on your team to be engaged and working to be at the next level of their professional lives.

Take into consideration these team-building tips to take your entire team to the next level:

·         Start with a common vision. Your entire team being on the same page is the best thing to start with.

·         Develop common goals. Your team can have a group goal as well as individual goals, and these goals should require others to help.

·         Go somewhere fun. Take your team to lunch, a painting party, an outdoor garden, a concert or whatever your team likes. Don’t forget this is their time to pick, not yours. Let them vote on an event everyone could enjoy.

·         Know your team. Understand what makes them happy or sad, what stresses them out, why they might be quiet or why they aren’t engaged at the time. You will not only learn a lot, you’ll be able to reach out to help or celebrate. One of the best things you can do as a boss is have your team knowing you care and they are important to you.

·         Consider team exercises when you’re all in the office together or gathered for a meeting. Let someone share their fun vacation, ask others to say one thing they loved about the last month at work; the keyword here is engage. If you have a quiet person on your team, don’t put them on the spot; know your people and make team building a comfortable activity.

Not everyone on your team will know how to work in a group. You can host a seminar or class to guide your employees through difficult situations when everyone is needed to pitch in. A team will experience success when everyone is involved and working towards the common goal. As their leader, you are tasked with understanding your people and helping them move forward. This benefits not only their careers, but also your overall bottom line.

Let the professionals at WSi Healthcare work with your team to find the missing team members. We can see what skills and training your team might be lacking and provide you with a new team member who is efficient and ready to jump in to an exciting healthcare career. Contact us today.