An employment agency is a great place to start on your job search. Whether you are currently unemployed or underemployed, an agency will guide you in the right direction. By taking advantage of their vast network, unpublished job opportunities and their interviewing expertise, you can land that new job faster than you might think. You will have an ally in your job search that knows the ins and outs of the process. Here are four ways to get the most out of working with an employment agency:

1. Be professional. Don’t treat the employment agency as only a liaison, but rather as the first interview in the process. Arrive on time, dress appropriately, act professionally; if they don’t believe in you, they are less likely to present you to future employers.

2. Be loyal. Use one agency at a time. While you may not want to miss out on an opportunity and keep your resume filed with several agencies, it’s not in your best interest to be wishy-washy. Shop around at various agencies and be loyal to the one you choose. They will be more willing to submit you for jobs if they know you are serious about working with them.

3. Be teachable. When you’re given advice from the agency, take it. They will probably know the client and their best interviewing practice. For example, if they recommend you wear a certain type of interview outfit to a particular company, heed their advice. From your resume to the interview to the follow-up letter, the team at the employment agency will have helpful insight throughout the process.

4. Be open. Stay in touch with your agency. If you see a job you like, ask them about it. Make sure they know your preferences and your strengths. Ask for help in areas where you know you are lacking. Open communication is key to finding the best fit for you in a new job.

Having a long-term relationship with an employment agency is a smart move, even if you like your current job. Sometimes your dream job will be open and the agency will know about it before the job boards. You could be submitted and have your first interview before others even know about it. An agency will support you throughout your career.

The team at WSi Healthcare wants to help you find the best possible job for your skill set. Why not sit down with them and have an open discussion to see how they can place you. Contact us today.